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The Order of Saint Vladimir, an award of the Russian Orthodox Church
The Order of Saint Vladimir, an award of the Russian Orthodox Church
The Order of Saint Vladimir, an award of the Russian Orthodox Church


The Russian Orthodox Church has, together with the other Orthodox Churches, a longstanding system of honours and awards for clergy and laity.  These honours and awards range from highly prestigious medals and crosses bestowed by a Patriarch or Synod through to Diocesan and parish certificates of appreciation.  Regardless of their status, by recognising exemplary service and other good works all such honours and awards edify the faithful and encourage them in their own Christian service.

Certificate of Archpastoral Gratitude («Архипастырская Благодарность»)
Certificate of Archpastoral Gratitude («Архипастырская Благодарность»)
Certificate of Archpastoral Gratitude («Архипастырская Благодарность»)
Certificate of Hierarchical Blessing («Благословенная Грамота»)
Certificate of Hierarchical Blessing («Благословенная Грамота»)
Certificate of Hierarchical Blessing («Благословенная Грамота»)

The Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia has two permanent awards that are bestowed for service of such a kind as to have significance for the whole Diocese.  These are the episcopal gramota, or certificate, and the Diocesan Cross.  In addition, there are from time to time awards given to mark occasions of particular significance in the life of the Diocese.  Examples include the badge, medallion and cross minted on the occasion of the 1000-year anniversary of the Baptism of Rus’ (1988), the medal minted in honour of the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese (1998), and the medal minted in honour of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese (2023).  Photographs of some of these awards - with explanatory notes in Russian - can be viewed here.  Diocesan awards may be granted to both clergy and laity.  If granted to clergy, Diocesan awards are given in addition to the awards for length and diligence of service customarily bestowed upon clergy in the Russian Orthodox Church.  Diocesan service is also taken into account by the Ruling Bishop or by the Synod of Bishops, as the case may be, when bestowing such awards.  Two forms of episcopal certificate are used in the Diocese.  These are the Certificate of Archpastoral Gratitude («Архипастырская Благодарность») and the Certificate of Hierarchical Blessing («Благословенная Грамота»).  Although from 1996 only the Certificate of Hierarchical Blessing has been used in our Diocese, both may still be bestowed.  If bestowed, the Certificate of Archpastoral Gratitude is given first.  An episcopal certificate is given at the discretion of the Ruling Bishop.  If given in recognition of service to a parish, representations to this end will generally be made to the Ruling Bishop by the parish rector.  If given in recognition of service to the Diocese, representations to this end will generally be made by the Diocesan Council.  The episcopal certificate is the usual form by which service of significance to the whole Diocese is acknowledged.  It may be awarded on more than one occasion.  Upon receipt of a third episcopal certificate of any kind, a person will automatically be considered for the Diocesan Cross.

Diocesan Cross (First Striking)
Diocesan Cross (First Striking)
Diocesan Cross (First Striking)
Diocesan Cross (Second Striking) and lapel badge
Diocesan Cross (Second Striking) and lapel badge
Diocesan Cross (Second Striking) and lapel badge
Diocesan Cross (Second Striking), with decoration
Diocesan Cross (Second Striking), with decoration
Diocesan Cross (Second Striking), with decoration

The Diocesan Cross was instituted in 1989 by the ever-memorable Archbishop Paul (Pavlov), Ruling Bishop of the Diocese from 1980-1992.  It was intended to be, and remains, the highest form of recognition at Diocesan level.  As such it is awarded once, and only for the most distinguished service to the Diocese.  The Diocesan Cross is awarded by the Ruling Bishop upon the recommendation of the Diocesan Honour Committee.  The Honour Committee is comprised of the four deans of the Diocese.  If given in recognition of service to a parish, representations to this end will generally be made to the Honour Committee by the parish rector.  If given in recognition of service to the Diocese, representations to this end will generally be made by the Diocesan Council.  There have been two strikings of the Diocesan Cross.  The first was in use from 1989 until 2016.  The second striking - in which the medal was substantially redesigned - was in 2016.  Although the Diocesan Cross is a single-class award, a small number of decorated Diocesan Crosses of both strikings have been awarded.  For example, the Diocesan Council presented Metropolitan Hilarion with a decorated Diocesan Cross in November 2016 to mark the twentieth anniversary of his service as Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese.  As of 2016 any clergyman of the Diocese who has rendered thirty years’ service from his ordination to the diaconate is automatically considered for the Diocesan Cross.  The Diocesan Cross is presented together with a special certificate. Recipients are also given a small lapel badge to wear on less formal occasions.  A recipient of the Diocesan Cross who renders further distinguished service will be considered for a Synodal award.

Our old Certificate of Appreciation (2014-2023)
Our old Certificate of Appreciation (2014-2023)
Our old Certificate of Appreciation (2014-2023)
Our new Certificate of Appreciation (2024 onwards)
Our new Certificate of Appreciation (2024 onwards)
Our new Certificate of Appreciation (2024 onwards)

In January 2011 Metropolitan Hilarion asked parishes of the Diocese to develop their own systems of awards to recognise people who work without recompense for the good of their parish.  He suggested the presentation of parish certificates of appreciation, icons, and other suitable items at official ceremonies or on appropriate occasions.  Our parish subsequently adopted a framework for parish awards to recognise the service of parish officials, members, volunteers, benefactors and sponsors.  Parish officials are, in general, recognised by the parish after ten years of continuous service, and at five-year intervals thereafter. Service for lesser periods may be recognised at the discretion of the Rector or Parish Council.  For continuous service of twenty-five years, Diocesan recognition is sought.  Members are, in general, recognised after twenty years of continuous membership, and at five-year intervals thereafter.  Volunteers are, in general, recognised by the parish after ten years of continuous service, and at five-year intervals thereafter. Service of particular importance in parish life may be recognised at the discretion of the Rector or Parish Council before ten years of continuous service.  Benefactors and sponsors are acknowledged on a case-by-case basis.  The initial form of recognition is always in the form of a Certificate of Appreciation.  A certificate for this purpose was designed for us by Newcastle-based designer and Wallsend Parish Council member, Olga Bogacheva.  In 2024, Olga designed a beautiful new certificate that incorporated elements of our new iconostasis.  This certificate was first awarded in August 2024.

The following parishioners have received Certificates of Appreciation: 


Ekaterina Lugovoy

In recognition of her labours in making church vestments in various colours.

9 August 2014

Nestor Petroff

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his diligent service in a number of roles and his significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Olga Petroff

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her diligent service as Head Sister (2003-2011), her ongoing work with the Ladies’ Auxiliary, and her significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Vladimir ("Rick") Golovin

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his extraordinary work in the building and maintenance of our church, his long service as a Parish Council member (2003-2014) and his significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Nina Golovin

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her diligent service as a member of the Ladies’ Auxiliary, her exemplary care for the adornment of the church, and her significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Katherine Marcotrigiano

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her long service as a member of the Parish Council (2003-2014) and Ladies’ Auxiliary, including service as Secretary (2003-2011) and Head Sister (2011-2014), and her significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Sophia Kfoury

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her devotion to the parish, her long service as a member of the Auditing Committee (2003) and the Parish Council (2004-2014), including service as parish Treasurer (2004-2014) and her significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Vasily ("Bill") Reid

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his devotion to the parish, his long service as a Parish Council member (2003-2014), and his significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Olga Ivanovna Itsikson

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her long and diligent service as choir conductor (2001-2014) and her significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Matushka Marie Carles

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her devotion to the parish, her care for the adornment of the church, her tireless work as a reader and chorister, her baking of prosphora, and her significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Paul Pereboeff

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his diligent service as a member of the Auditing Committee (2003-2004) and Parish Council (2004-2012), his social, charitable and fundraising work, and his significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Claudia Krauhin

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her diligent assistance on special occasions and with the adornment of the church and her significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Craig Koppman

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his assistance with building and maintenance, fundraising, and social activities and his significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2014

Anna Kourbatov

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her devotion to the parish, her work with the parish bookstore, her exemplary service as a member of the Parish Council (2011-2014), and her significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2015

Ekaterina Waters

In recognition of her significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2015

Wassim Ayoub

In recognition of his significant contribution to parish life.

9 August 2024

Tamara Carlyon

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her work in the parish Ladies’ Auxiliary.

9 August 2024

Maria Lalic

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her work in the parish Ladies’ Auxiliary.

9 August 2024

Natasha Pentel

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her work in the parish Ladies’ Auxiliary.

9 August 2024

Anya Nielsen

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her diligent service on the Parish Council and her contribution to the life of the parish.

9 August 2024

Charlie Carlyon

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.

9 August 2024

Gregory Alexandrovsky

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.

9 August 2024

Victor Bendevski

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.

9 August 2024

Phillip Bendevski

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.

9 August 2024

Vlad Golovin

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.

9 August 2024

Nickolay Kravchenko

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.

9 August 2024

Joseph Carles

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.

9 August 2024

Christopher Karonin

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.

9 August 2024

Michael McInnes

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.

9 August 2024

Joshua Koppman

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.

9 August 2024

Norm Stewart

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.

9 August 2024

Luke Moran

On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his work on the extension and renovation of our parish centre.


The Diocesan Cross has been awarded to:


9 August 2015

Olga Ivanovna Itsikson

In recognition of her long and faithful service as a choir conductor in our parish (2001-2015) and at Centennial Park and her work as a music teacher in church scools at Cabramatta and Strathfield.

9 August 2015

Vasily ("Bill") Reid

In recognition of his extensive and valuable legal work for the Diocese, particularly in relation to the Russian Orthodox Church (NSW) Property Trust.

4 August 2019

Vladimir ("Rick") Golovin

On the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of his tireless work for the good of the parish.

4 August 2019

Nina Golovin

On the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the establishment of our church at West Gosford and in recognition of her tireless work for the good of the parish.


On 3 December 2023, in commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese (ROCOR) and for exceptional service to the Holy Russian Orthodox Church, the Jubilee Medal was awarded to:


Our clergy:


Archpriest James Carles

Protodeacon Martin Naef


Our parishioners:


Vladimir ("Rick") Golovin

Nina Golovin

Matushka Marie Carles

Katherine Marcotrigiano

Anna Kourbatov

In the Russian Orthodox Church there is an established system of ecclesiastical honours awarded to the higher clergy in recognition of length, diligence and faithfulness of service.  For parish deacons, these awards are as follows:


These awards are generally after service of three, ten and fifteen years respectively, although individual circumstances will vary. In the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, the double orarion is bestowed at the discretion of the Ruling Bishop; higher awards are bestowed by the Synod of Bishops.  


For parish priests, the awards are:


These awards are generally given at intervals of no less than three years. In the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, awards up to and including the kamilavka are bestowed at the discretion of the Ruling Bishop; higher awards are bestowed by the Synod of Bishops.  Other awards, far less commonly given, recognise particularly long and distinguished service. Such awards include the right of an archpriest to wear the mitre or a second pectoral cross.  Clergy awards are generally given publicly in a liturgical setting, most commonly on the occasion of an episcopal visit to the parish of the clergyman so honoured, or some other significant liturgical occasion. The receipt of these awards in such a setting is an honour in itself and the award will, for the most part, be evident whenever the deacon or priest is vested for the Divine Services.

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